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Neoenergia’s grid automation reaches 70% coverage

Neoenergia’s grid automation reaches 70% coverage

Image: Neoenergia

Neoenergia has reported its grid automation technology deployment has reached 70% coverage in São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul.

Neoenergia Elektro, part of the Iberdrola group, invested around R$5.5 million (US$1 million) in automatic reclosers in the first half of 2024.

With the 70% coverage, almost two million customers are benefitting from this self-healing technology in the company’s concession area, which covers 228 municipalities in São Paulo state and the central Brazil Mato Grosso do Sul state.

“Automation from this technology allows the smallest number of customers to be impacted by an outage occurrence,” says Wilhelm Guilherme, superintendent of Neoenergia Elektro.

“This and other technologies contribute to a faster and safer service to our customers.”

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Neoenergia Elektro reports some 4,500 items of equipment in the field, including reclosers, automated switches and smart sensors, with innovation and automation of the grid one of the company’s commitments to ensure power quality.

A Neoenergia statement says that the investments in actions to enhance the reliability of the electricity grid are already reflected in the quality of supply indicators.

In the first half of 2024, the SAIDI (Electric System Average Interruption Duration Index) measurement was 3.14 hours, which is better than the regulatory limit determined by the regulator Aneel.

This corresponds to a continuity of 99.93% in the supply of energy to consumers, who receive energy continuously and reliably, with fewer hours of interruption.

In other news Neoenergia Elektro has been awarded the Brazilian distributor association Abradee’s award for Management Quality, while Neoenergia Cosern, which supplies energy in Rio Grande do Norte, won the title of Best Distributor in the Northeast region for the second consecutive year.

Neoenergia Cosern is planning investment of more than R$2.1 billion in works on the electricity system of Rio Grande do Norte between 2024 and 2027 to enhance the continuity and reliability of supply for its residential and I&C customers.

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