More than 1 million smart meters in Finland managed as a service as DSOs upgrade

Image: Aidon
Gridspertise company Aidon has reported that over 1 million energy metering points are now connected to its ‘Metering as a Service’ (MAAS).
Aidon, headquartered in Jyväskylä, Finland, with a focus on smart metering and smart grid solutions in the Nordics, is a relative newcomer to the service business with its metering service taking responsibility for all metering operations end to end from the devices to DSO’s business systems.
This includes the delivery of metering data within the agreed targets as well as monitoring and maintenance of the related IT infrastructure and data security.
The 1 million metering point milestone, coming as Finnish DSOs are currently upgrading their metering solutions to the new generation AMR 2.0, is regarded by Aidon as “remarkable” and a vindication of its expansion of the business to provide this service.
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Tommi Blomberg, CEO of Aidon, explains that the company had received a clear signal from many Finnish DSOs to include metering as a service in its offerings.
“We assessed that it would be a strategically sound decision to invest in the development of a service platform. Reaching the milestone of one million connections proves that our assessment was correct.”
In the AMR 2.0 upgrade, several Finnish DSOs including Elenia, Helen Sähköverkko, Järvi-Suomen Energia, Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko and PKS Sähkönsiirto, Porvoon Sähköverkko and Keravan Energia, have joined Aidon’s metering as a service.
Another is Helen Oy, for which Aidon has been providing district heating and district cooling metering service for more than 16,000 points in the Helsinki metropolitan area since the beginning of the year.
Tampereen Energia Sähköverkko Oy, part of the Elenia group, has recently started a 130,000 smart meter renewal in the city of Tampere. With the transfer of the company’s 50,000 existing smart meters to Aidon’s metering service at the beginning of June, the 1 million milestone was surpassed.