
Mitsui OSK Lines and Hanwha Ocean receive AIP for wind-assisted LNG carrier

Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) and Hanwha Ocean have received approval in principle for the design of a membrane liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier equipped with MOL’s Wind Challenger wind-assisted ship propulsion system.

Mitsui OSK Lines’ LNG carrier

The LNG carrier, to be built by Hanwha Ocean, is a large vessel with a cargo tank capacity of 174,000m3. It can access LNG terminals worldwide and will be equipped with two Wind Challenger sails.

Credit: Hanwha Ocean

Wind-assistance technology

Hanwha Ocean led the overall design of the LNG carrier, including structural and outfitting design. With Hanwha Ocean’s support, MOL successfully obtained approval in principle (AIP) from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) for the design, which will be applied to an LNG carrier ordered by MOL.

While applying for this AIP, Hanwha Ocean, MOL and ClassNK conducted a risk assessment that comprehensively evaluated the placement of the sails and their impact on visibility, emergency operation procedures and other safety measures.

In related news, Maersk recently signed off new building orders and time-charter contracts for 800,000 TEU methanol and liquified gas dual-fuel vessels – as part of its fleet renewal program initiated in 2021 to order around 160,000 TEU per year. Click here to read the full story.