Mitigate compressed air risk with oil-free technologies

CompAir is investing in oil-free compressor technologies to mitigate against the risks of contamination and intelligent heat recovery to help the food and beverage sector meet the demand for ever-increasing levels of air purity from their compressed air system.
In many processes, compressed air will come into direct contact with products and there can be severe consequences if air is contaminated with oil or other particulates. Dr. David Bruchof, product manager for oil free compressors from CompAir, notes there are many benefits to oil-free technology, which can help energy managers make valuable cost savings while improving operational efficiencies too.
Whole life costs are reduced, with businesses able to save on the cost of air treatment and oil replacement. Unlike oil-lubricated systems there is no need to purchase equipment that would separate oil from air, such as oil separators, filtration equipment and condensate treatment.
Products in the CompAir range deliver 100 % oil-free performance, with fixed or regulated speed options alongside air and water-cooled models including:
- D15H (RS) to D37H (RS) single-stage, water-injected models, from 15 to 37 kW
- D37 (RS) to D160 (RS) two-stage models from 37 to 160 kW
- Ultima U75 to U160 two-stage, premium efficiency models, from 75 to 160 kW
- DX200 (RS) to DX255 (RS) two-stage models from 200 to 355 kW
With many businesses faced with ambitious sustainability goals, CompaAir says deciding on an oil-free solution provides the most eco-conscious choice too, helping to contribute towards a facility’s green credentials.
For example, heat recovery offers further potential to save money and realise efficiency gains. Around 94 per cent of the energy required to run a compressor is converted to heat, but by using CompAir heat recovery options, this otherwise waste energy can be recovered easily.
Companies consume a lot of energy and cost to generate hot process water, space heating or to preheat water for steam generation. Using CompAir’s heat recovery options, this waste heat can then be re-used to generate hot water of up to 85°C, to be used as process heat in manufacturing operations, for example. With a wide range of retrofit options and no impact on the compressed air supply, companies can often achieve payback on the investment in less than one year.