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Minnesota utility installs smart grid AMI for enhanced EV load management

Crow Wing Power, a US-based cooperative electric utility, has replaced its meter network with a Tantalus TUNet smart grid platform for advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and load management applications to bolster an EV charging programme.

Smart grid tech company Tantalus Systems announced that the utility, Crow Wing Power, is utilising its system to offer customers a choice of two electric vehicle (EV) charging options.

According to Peter Londa, Tantalus CEO, the platform enables visibility into events across the distribution network alongside “command and control of devices located behind the meter” to better enable utilities to manage their distribution grids.

And by providing enhanced load control capabilities across an AMI network, the utility can incorporate specific load management programmes and verify results by accessing more granular data.

Crow Wing Power & Tantalus Systems

The utility, based in Brainerd, Minnesota, implements TUNet AMI, Tantalus Load Management System and Tantalus Load Champ, to offer a time-of-use rate and off-peak rate that automatically shifts charging to overnight.

This is hoped to enable the utility to manage load more effectively across their distribution system and gives members the ability to choose the option that works for their household.

After one year, participation is 50/50 between the two rate programmes — both of which offer a rebate to help defray the cost of equipment installation and work with all types of EVs and Level 2 chargers.

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“We worked to offer EV programme options for our members to meet their needs while ensuring the cooperative managed new EV load growing within our distribution system,” said Jeff Wohlert, Crow Wing Power’s member services manager.

“Our partnership with Tantalus and adoption of its load management solutions is allowing us to drive greater engagement with our current EV-driving customer base and prepare for a future where more and more electric vehicles can be incorporated into our grid.”

“Working alongside the team at Crow Wing Power to make every kilowatt and every corresponding kilobyte of data count is empowering the cooperative to support its members’ successful migration to EVs without compromising resiliency,” added Londa.

“By going beyond AMI and leveraging enhanced load management capabilities, Crow Wing Power is transforming into a utility of the future.”