Megger delivers flexible electrical certification

Secure, easy to use and flexible with advanced multi-user support, the new CertSuite Installation electrical certification software package from Megger is suited to the needs of larger organisations.
The cloud-based CertSuite Installation package, supported by Android and iOS devices in app versions and on the web in most browsers, is fully compliant with BS 7671 and is regularly updated with the latest amendments. It provides electrical installation, electric vehicle charge points, emergency lighting, solar photovoltaic and other certificates in addition to offering unlimited certificate generation, storage and support.
To enhance its appeal to larger organisations, CertSuite Installation includes a group management feature that allows work to be assigned to teams and a workflow feature that simplifies job management. It allows multiple users to access jobs simultaneously whilst automatically synchronising data so all users can view the latest entries and results. When internet/data access is not available, offline working can continue and, in such cases, data is automatically synchronised to the cloud once internet/data access is restored.
“We recognised that large organisations and companies, including housing associations and local councils, needed an electrical certification solution that’s straightforward yet flexible and secure,” says Simon Warren of Megger CertSuite. “We’ve launched CertSuite Installation as a flexible and affordable solution to meet these requirements. We’ve developed it with a whole range of time-saving features, such as built-in circuit templates and the ability to copy and change the job type. If in case anyone does have issues or questions, we provide free technical and domain support. Early users are already telling us that CertSuite Installation is saving them a lot of time, which in turn saves money.”
CertSuite Installation software integrates fully with Megger’s new MFT-X1 multi-function installation tester and allows direct transfer of results via Bluetooth. It can also import data such as contact names and addresses from other platforms. Secure generation of PDF certificates, including electronic signatures and photographs of observations, is performed in the proven Microsoft Azure platform. CertSuite Installation will soon be joined by CertSuite Asset (certification for cable, motors and transformers) and CertSuite PAT (certification for portable appliances). Per-user licencing agreements are available on a monthly or annual basis.