
Lowe & Oliver releases centenary celebration book

In celebration of 100 years in the industry, Lowe & Oliver has commissioned and published a book outlining its history and the role played in the wider country’s electrification. Incorporating research from across the entire UK, it is focused on the southern counties.

From its work with the royal family, such as involvement in the rebuild following the Windsor Castle fire, to providing airfield guide lighting during World War Two, enabling spitfires to land during the Battle of Britain.

Fred Lowe, Director, Lowe & Oliver, comments, “Lowe & Oliver is celebrating 100 years in the electrical industry, an incredibly rare achievement and one which is almost unheard of, in such a competitive sector.

“A painstaking amount of research was poured into this publication, providing intricate details about the development of both Lowe & Oliver and the electrical industry. As we approach another era of electrification, our centenary book gives a fascinating glimpse back in time, at the previous electrical revolution nationwide.

“We’re planning to be as involved in the next electrification step as we were the last.

“As a company, we have been blessed to work with so many wonderful individuals over the past 100 years. Whether that’s members of long standing staff or established names across the south. None of this would have been possible without their grit, hard work and good humour. I’d like to put on record, our sincere thanks to every single individual and company who has contributed to this successful centennial moment.

“This book is a celebration of the previous era of electrification and the role Lowe & Oliver played in that. We all hope that you find it as fascinating as we have.”