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Latvia’s AST co-develops transmission line monitoring app

Latvia’s AST co-develops transmission line monitoring app

Image courtesy AST

To enhance the efficiency of monitoring and maintaining transmission power lines, AS Augstsprieguma tīkls (AST), in collaboration with forestry company AS Latvijas valsts meži (LVM), has developed a specialised module within the LVM GEO mobile app.

To improve transmisison line monitoring, the module is designed to obtain more precise data, streamline power line work planning and facilitate quicker data exchange with transmission network information systems. AST specialists are set to implement the digital solution during the upcoming autumn surveys.

“While implementing the digital transformation of AST, we have created several mutually integrated information systems, where all information is available about the performed and planned works in the transmission network and substations, equipment that helps to plan and control the state of the network more effectively,” stated AST board member Imants Zviedris.

“We have also been using drones for surveying overhead lines for quite some time. The possibility to go ‘in the field’ and immediately transfer the data to the databases was only a logical next step in speeding up the processes and increasing the operational efficiency.”

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The newly introduced module within the LVM GEO mobile app will enable AST specialists to efficiently record and update the real-time technical condition of overhead lines.

This includes identifying potential defect-prone areas and assessing the proximity of vegetation and overhead line wires to the ground, ensuring compliance with standards.

Furthermore, the module allows for the inclusion of visual information related to surveyed objects. The LVM GEO survey module also grants access to online maps and offers offline mode capabilities, precise location coordinates, routing functions, geospatial task reception and other features.

These functions will contribute to a more comprehensive analysis of data regarding Latvia’s extensive high-voltage line network, spanning over 5,550km.

Added LVM board member Māris Kuzmins: “For several years, LVM ‘Business System Solutions’ has been developing and maintaining the geographical information system of the AST transmission network.

“Now this system is complemented by a mobile app module, which will make it easier for AST specialists to conduct annual surveys and process the obtained data.

“The specialised functionality of the mobile app was developed through the cooperation of specialists from both parties, each of them investing their professional knowledge and experience in it. We are pleased that it was through mutual cooperation that we managed to create the best solution.”