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Korea LH adopts OCF specification for nationwide rollout in smart homes

The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) has announced that its cloud-based Internet of Things platform has been adopted by the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (Korea LH) for rollout in nationwide smart home programme.

The specification is enabling Korea LH to address IoT security, privacy and interoperability challenges that are hindering digital transformation.

Data and device security is a huge concern in Korea. The Korea Internet & Security Agency recently requested assistance from the National Police Agency of South Korea to investigate a security breach that resulted in photos and videos from devices of over 700 apartment complexes being leaked by hackers.

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The partnership with OCF enables customers of Korea LH to leverage an IoT smart hub to collect and analyse data regarding the performance of smart home appliances to enhance living experience.

Through a smart home app, residents are able to control 15 different devices for smart healthcare, intelligent safety, greater convenience, energy management, as well as dust and greenhouse gas emissions monitoring, management and reduction.

Korea LH is set to deploy the platform in some 223,000 households by 2025.

Jin Meong Eo, Director of the Korea LH, said: “We have made it our mission for all public housing to adopt smart homes. This is not only a response to the government’s digital policies. We are working to continue Korea’s leadership in innovation for the good of society. We are opening up access to healthcare, making living environments safer, and saving energy to protect the world around us. OCF is one of the key components in helping us to achieve this in a secure, scalable way and that is why we chose OCF in our project.”

Mr. Mark Trayer, Chairman of the OCF Board of Directors, added: “Connecting IoT cloud environments with a range of devices and device types presents significant security, privacy and interoperability challenges. This is limiting consumers’ options and hindering market expansion.

“As governments work to connect infrastructure, proprietary IoT solutions can’t meet their requirements. Delivering a smart home service like this at scale both answers these challenges while improving tenants’ lives. This is true leadership from LH, and a model that can be replicated elsewhere.”