KBR Gets LoI for Work on Topsides of Equinor’s Bay du Nord FPSO in Canada

KBR has received a Letter of Intent (LOI) from Equinor Canada for the front-end engineering design (FEED) of the topside facilities of the new Bay Du Nord FPSO to be located offshore Newfoundland, Canada
The agreement also includes an option for the continuation of detailed design and procurement management services through to final completion of the FPSO.
The FEED scope comes on the back of the pre-FEED engineering carried out by KBR in 2022 and will further mature the engineering and execution planning, working towards a final investment decision with first production expected to be in the late 2020s.
“During the FEED engineering, KBR will continue to help Equinor develop one of the lowest carbon emitting FPSO’s in the world, using an onboard combined cycle power system and the latest technology to minimize the number of crew onboard and maximize digital solutions. All these elements will produce energy safely and securely while minimizing carbon emissions,” KBR said.
KBR will execute the work scope jointly with Canadian sub-contractor Hatch Ltd., an employee-owned multidisciplinary engineering, project management, and professional services firm with a local office in St. John’s, Canada, and will provide Equinor with an integrated team across Canada and London.
“We are excited to be a part of this significant project with Equinor,” said Jay Ibrahim, president of KBR’s Sustainable Technology Solutions business. “This win is indicative of KBR’s strategic commitment to work with clients not only to secure energy supply for the world but to do it in a safe, responsible, and sustainable way. KBR adds maximum value to clients such as Equinor, by drawing on our extensive global engineering expertise and applying the latest technology and processes to deliver extraordinary outcomes.”