Food and beverageNewsProcess industries

JBT grows ‘stronger together’ with alco buy

JBT has announced the acquisition of Alco-food-machines, a leading provider of food processing solutions and production lines.

“alco has been a family business for generations, and has over time built an excellent reputation in the market for providing innovative and leading further processing technology solutions. They are a great addition to JBT, and I’m convinced we are stronger together,” said Anders Lassing, president, protein EMEA.

“The acquisition of alco complements and expands our product offering in further processing, in particular, expanding our offering in convenience meal lines as well as alternative and plant-based protein technology,” said Bob Petrie, EVP and president, protein. “Bringing our companies and technologies together supports our vision to be the preferred solutions partner for our customers, backed by unparalleled application expertise and best-in-class local service support. alco also further strengthens our presence and capabilities in the important German market,” added Petrie.

alco was founded in Bad Iburg, Germany in 1977 based on the idea from Heinz and Gertrud Algra to make the best machines in the industry, which today, produce everything from noodle sauces, and pizza to convenience and snack foods.

“JBT has always been viewed as a leader in food processing, and its approach to preserving the alco brand and continuing the family legacy of technology and service was of the utmost importance in finding the right partner to acquire the business,” said Isabelle Kleine-Ausberg, former shareholder of alco. “We are excited about the possibilities in the next phase of growth for alco,” added Thomas Kleine-Ausberg.

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