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IRENA to host Global Coalition on Energy Planning

IRENA to host Global Coalition on Energy Planning

Minister Alexandre Silveira De Oliveira and Francesco La Camera, IRENA’s Director-General. Image: IRENA

The Global Coalition on Energy Planning is in development with a scheduled June launch and will be hosted by IRENA.

The proposal for such a coalition, with the aim to promote energy planning as a tool to accelerate clean energy investments particularly in developing countries, was first raised at the G20 energy ministerial meeting in Brazil in October 2024 with that country committing to take the lead in its formation.

In a side event ahead of IRENA’s annual assembly, Brazil’s Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira De Oliveira led discussions on the next steps, including issuing the invitation to IRENA to host the coalition’s secretariat.

“There are many pledges and commitments internationally about energy transition, but we need means to implement them,” said Silveira.

“I’m confident that [the coalition], with IRENA’s secretariat, can be one of the best tools to address it.”

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He added that process has been restarted for Brazil to join IRENA as member.

The global coalition on energy planning is intended to provide a platform for collaboration, knowledge exchange and capacity building.

Key guiding principles that were decided for the coalition are:

  1. Promoting transparent and effective energy planning;
  2. Facilitating knowledge exchange and capacity building;
  3. Catalysing investments by creating enabling environments;
  4. Encouraging national ownership of energy planning processes and inclusive participation; and
  5. Leveraging existing initiatives and partnerships.

Other elements of discussion were focussed on mechanisms for bridging planning and financing communities, as well as key topics for the June 2025 Energy Planning Summit in Rio de Janeiro where the coalition will be launched.

As such, the event is considered an important milestone towards the COP30 event in Belém, in the heart of the Amazon, in November 2025.

IRENA’s Director-General Francesco La Camera commented that with its expertise in facilitating international collaboration on energy planning, “IRENA is uniquely well-suited to host the secretariat of the coalition and to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences on energy planning.”