
Introducing CryoComplete™ from Lake Shore Cryotronics

Everything you need to make temperature‑dependent, low-level electrical measurements from 77 K to 500 K

With CryoComplete™, you can start making cryogenic electrical measurements as soon as it lands in your lab. From the simple‑to‑use, pour‑fill LN2 Dewar to the prewritten I-V (resistance) measurement routines, CryoComplete produces results right out of the box.

While easy to use, the system’s performance doesn’t disappoint. Its industry-leading measurement electronics promote low-level DC measurements and three full channels of lock-in AC capability—the keys to unlocking difficult measurements. Best of all, our cryogenic experts have designed CryoComplete from top to bottom, using cryogenic best practices, to deliver end-to-end system specifications.

PC with MeasureLINK™

A PC with MeasureLINK provides the user interface to control your cryogenic system. MeasureLINK enables a wide range of capabilities, including data charting, instrument control, and system monitoring with a cryostat-specific process view.

LN2 cryostat

The Environment by Janis VPF-100 sample in vacuum cryostat provides a variable‑temperature sample environment from 77 K to 500 K. The pour‑fill design allows quick and easy LN2 refills.

Source + measure + lock-in​

Run ultra-low-noise AC/DC measurements with the MeasureReady® M81-SSM synchronous source and measure system. In addition to the M81-SSM-4 instrument, it includes a BCS-10 balanced current source module and a VM-10 DC/AC/lock-in voltmeter module with a combined noise performance (differential) of 4.1 nV/√Hz

Temperature control​​

Control temperature within 50 mK with a Lake Shore Model 335 temperature controller, a Lake Shore precision-calibrated silicon diode, and a pre-wired heater. Advanced PID autotuning, pre‑programmed sensor calibration, and default cryostat tuning enable fast setup and operation.

To discuss the benefits that CryoComplete can bring to your lab, please get in touch with QDUKI Technical Director, Dr. Shayz Ikram by email or call (01372) 378822 today.

About Quantum Design

Founded in 1982, Quantum Design Inc. is a privately held corporation that develops and markets advanced technology cryogenic systems and instruments for the scientific community. Quantum Design is widely recognised as the leading commercial source for integrated laboratory analytical systems incorporating superconducting technology. In addition, through its strong R&D focus and direct foreign offices in the world’s major technology markets, including Quantum Design UK and Ireland, Quantum Design International has developed a worldwide distribution channel for its own industry leading instruments as well as for research-based instruments developed by other technology leaders.

About Lake Shore Cryotronics

Supporting advanced scientific research, Lake Shore is a leading global innovator in measurement and control solutions. Leading researchers around the world trust Lake Shore for measurement and control solutions that drive the discovery and development of new materials for tomorrow’s technologies. In electronics, clean energy, nanotechnology, and many other applications, Lake Shore provides the products and systems needed for precise measurements over a broad range of temperature and magnetic field conditions. Serving the needs of the research community since 1968 Lake Shore has grown its product solutions to keep pace with evolving interests in scientific exploration, from the physics lab to deep space. Through our international technical service and sales teams, we foster a culture of collaboration and innovation, and a commitment to the pursuit of science.