
Inovaxe Announces Second in Monthly Series of Free Webinars

Inovaxe, a world leader and provider of innovative material handling and inventory control systems, is excited to announce its upcoming live webinar, “What is Smart Material Handling?” scheduled for Thursday, February 29th, 2024 at 11AM EST. This enlightening session aims to showcase the transformative impact of Smart Material Handling (SMH) in the Surface Mount Technology (SMT) industry and beyond.

Webinar Highlights:

 – Introduction to Smart Material Handling: Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of SMH fundamentals, exploring its critical role in modernizing material handling processes for enhanced efficiency and productivity.

– Benefits of Smart Material Handling: The webinar will cover the myriad advantages of SMH, including increased operational efficiency, error reduction, and the positive outcomes of integrating smart solutions from receiving to production.

– IoT and Connectivity in Material Handling: A deep dive into how the Internet of Things (IoT) and connectivity are revolutionizing material handling, facilitating seamless factory-wide communication and real-time decision-making.

– Enhancing Traceability with SMH: Discover how SMH improves traceability within the SMT industry, utilizing advanced tracking systems for superior quality control and compliance.

– Exclusive Real-World Insights: A unique opportunity to view how Inovaxe effectively implements smart material handling in its operations, with a real-world video demonstration.

The event is designed for professionals across the SMT and logistics sectors, offering valuable insights into the future of material handling. Participants will leave with a thorough understanding of how smart technologies can be leveraged to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and accuracy in their operations.

Register NOW!

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the cutting-edge of material handling technology with Inovaxe. Reserve your spot today and be part of shaping the future of the industry.