
Industry urged to embrace new ideas like microwave heating

The organisers of this year’s Green Home Festival have urged homeowners and the construction industry to be brave and embrace innovations like microwave heating to help build a more sustainable future and meet net zero targets.

Scotland’s second renewables jamboree will kick off in less than two weeks, delivering 11 free shows on low-carbon living as part of the official Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

The Construction Industry Collective Voice (CICV) says that its event on the potential of microwave heating is an example of a technology that could offer a real alternative to traditional fossil fuels – but only if people are brave enough to embrace it.

The microwave heating show will be delivered on the first day of the festival by Professor Sean Smith, Director of The Centre for Future Infrastructure and Professor of Future Construction at the School of Engineering, the University of Edinburgh.

Starting from 14 August, the event will focus on the origin of the new technology, how it works and how it could offer an alternative to traditional heating methods in our homes.

Live Green Home Festival sessions will once again take place at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) at 10 Charlotte Square in central Edinburgh, with contributions from the likes of Home Energy Scotland, Scottish Water, SNIPEF and SELECT.

Other topics covered will include creating sustainable kitchens, green garden rooms and offices, making retrofit projects eco-friendly, converting churches, and how the home of the future will be powered. Built Environment – Smarter Transformation will also host a webinar that will advise what consumers can do to reduce both their energy consumption and energy bills.

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