IFR predicts five trends for robotics industry in 2025

The global market value of industrial robot installations has reportedly reached an all-time high of $16.5 billion, with future demand being driven by technological innovations, market forces and new fields of business. The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) has reported on the top five trends for the robotics industry in 2025.
1. Artificial Intelligence – physical, analytical, generative
Using AI technologies, robots can perform a wide range of tasks more efficiently. Robot and chip manufacturers in investing in developing dedicated hardware and software that simulate real-world environments, or, ‘Physical AI’.
Physical AI allows robots to train themselves in virtual environments and operate by experience, rather than programing. These Generative AI projects aim to create a ChatGPT moment for Physical AI.
2. Humanoids
Humanoid robots have received a lot of attention, with the vision being they will become general-purpose tools that can perform tasks such as loading a dishwasher, or working on an assembly line elsewhere.
Industrial manufacturers are focusing on humanoids performing single-purpose tasks solely, with most projects being carried out in the automotive industry, which has always played a key role in driving forward robot applications.
It remains to be seen whether humnaoid robots represent an economically viable and scalable business case for industrial applications, but there are many applications that could benefit, such as logistics and warehousing.
3. Sustainability
Compliance with the UN’s environmental sustainability goals and corresponding regulation worldwide is becoming an important requirement for inclusion on supplier white lists, and robots help manufacturers to achieve these goals.
For example, their ability to perform tasks with high precision reduces material waste and improves the output-input ratio of a manufacturing process. These automated systems ensure consistent quality which is essential for products designed to have long lifespans and minimal maintenance. In the production of green energy technologies such as solar panels, batteries for electric cars or recycling equipment, robots are critical to cost-effective production.
4. Robots – new fields of business
The general manufacturing industry hosts a lot of potential for robotic automation. Most manufacturing companies are small and medium-sized enterprises; low-cost robotics addresses this segment.
Robot-as-a-Service (RaaS) business models allow enterprises to benefit from robotic automation with no fixed capital involved. RaaS providers specialising in specific industries or applications can offer sophisticated solutions quickly.
5. Robots addressing labour shortages
The global manufacturing industry is continuing to suffer from labour shortages according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), with one main driver being demographic change.
The use of robotics significantly reduces the impact of labor shortages in manufacturing. By automating dirty, dull, dangerous or delicate tasks, human workers can focus on more interesting and higher-value tasks.
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