The University of California San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography has commissioned a hydrogen-fueled research vessel that will be built to ABS Class.

The 45.7m research vessel, designed by Glosten, will feature a newly developed hydrogen-hybrid propulsion system that integrates hydrogen fuel cells alongside a diesel-electric powerplant to enable zero-emission operations.

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The propulsion system will be scaled to enable the vessel to conduct 75% of its research missions using solely hydrogen power. If additional power is required for longer missions, the diesel generators can be used as a backup.

An array of advanced instruments and sensing systems will be installed on board, in addition to laboratories for multidisciplinary research. The vessel will be used to enhance researchers’ understanding of the physical and biological processes that are active in California’s coastal oceans.

“ABS is proud to pioneer the development of hydrogen as marine fuel technology with these partners in a project that has the potential to make a significant contribution to the understanding of our oceans,” said Christopher Wiernicki, ABS chairman, president and CEO. “This project will be closely watched by the industry as it breaks new ground and demonstrates the capabilities of this promising alternative fuel at sea.”