
Have you Subscribed to the #MakeSenseofSensors Newsletter on LinkedIn?

Every Thursday Mark Weymouth, MD of sensor specialists PLUS Automation posts an application story on LinkedIn. Having done this for several years, it has recently transitioned to become a LinkedIn Newsletter of example applications for Factory and Process Automation sensors from their manufacturing partners CONTRINEX, ReeR and SATRON.

The newsletter looks at how cost savings or improved performance are achieved, or illustrates the benefits of new or unique technology. Within the first six issues, four look at a Smart Manufacturing Cell and how Smart Photoelectric and Inductive sensors are used and what extra functionality they provide beyond their traditional sensing tasks.

To subscribe to the newsletter, click the link below, or call PLUS Automation on 0121 58 222 58 or email to discuss how they can help you #MakeSenseofSensors using Inductive, Machine Safety, Photoelectric, Pressure, Process, RFID and Ultrasonic sensors from CONTRINEX, ReeR & SATRON.

With over 2,000 sensors in UK stock, much more stock held in Europe, and short manufacturing lead times, they can help quickly fix a problem or improve your machinery and automation.