Offshore engineeringProcess industries

Hartshead Taps Petrofac for North Sea Platform, Pipeline FEED

UK North Sea-focused Hartshead Resources has awarded Petrofac two contracts in respect of the platforms FEED contract for Harshead’s Anning and Somerville unmanned minimum facilities jackets and topsides and the subsea FEED contract for the interconnecting subsea pipelines connecting to Shell’s Corvette export system with onward gas transport to the Leman-A complex, associated risers and tie-in to the Anning platform. 

“The award of the FEED contracts signals a significant milestone as the Phase I development progresses from Concept Select into Concept Define prior to entering the execution phase at Final Investment Decision (FID) which is expected to occur later in 2023,” Hartshead said.

“Petrofac were previously engaged to assist Hartshead with the Phase I Greenfield Concept Select which identified the preferred development concept of two wireline capable, normally unmanned, platforms connected via a subsea pipeline to the Shell infrastructure and therefore have detailed knowledge of the Phase I development program,” Hartshead said.

Hartshead has also hired Telos, a UK-based consultancy to assist and advise Hartshead with the preparation of the Phase I Field Development Plan, which is expected to be submitted to the NSTA during Q1 2023.

Hartshead is also evaluating contracts for geotechnical and geophysical surveys to cover the Anning and Somerville field developments with a view to securing vessels for deployment in Q1/Q2 2023. 

The main objectives of the survey are to provide the company with an interpretation of the seabed geomechanical and soil conditions at the Anning and Somerville field locations and along the pipeline route. 

The results of the geotechnical and geophysical surveys will form a critical component of the Environmental Statement. 

Understanding of the seabed conditions at the Phase I field locations and along the pipeline route are also required for completing the subsea and platform FEED design assumptions. 

Hartshead also confirmed that it planned to take part in the UK 33rd Offshore Licensing Round recently announced by the NSTA, which has a closing date of January 12, 2023 for the submission of applications. 

The results of the licensing round and awards are expected to be announced later in 2023. 

Chris Lewis, CEO, said: “Entering into FEED for our Phase I development is another important step toward first gas and a key milestone on the field development planning process. I am pleased that we are, again, working with Petrofac on the project following their valuable contribution during Concept Select. Aiming to secure vessels for early next year and engaging TelosNRG to support our FDP submission are also critical elements in support of our development schedule. I am also looking forward to participating in the 33rd round as we can potentially target new licenses and additional resources to add to our existing portfolio.”