
GTT receives AiP for liquefied hydrogen carrier systems

An Approval in Principle (AiP) has been awarded by ClassNK for a cargo containment system (CCS) and cargo handling system (CHS) for liquefied hydrogen carrier designed by GTT.

A design review was conducted on the CCS and CHS by ClassNK, based on the society’s Part N of the Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships incorporating the IGC Code, and its Guidelines for Liquefied Hydrogen Carriers incorporating the IMO’s interim recommendations for Carriage of Liquefied Hydrogen in Bulk.

ClassNK also carried out a hazard identification (HAZID) workshop to identify any possible hazards or risks associated with the proposed vessel design. The AiP was issued after confirmation that the GTT design complied with the necessary requirements.

“We are proud to obtain this new approval in principle from ClassNK, whose in-depth technical and regulatory knowledge, as well as their solid experience in hydrogen, demonstrate the relevance of GTT’s technology in the field of hydrogen,” said Philippe Berterottière, chairman and CEO of GTT. “We are convinced that the development of containment systems for hydrogen transportation is a key element in accelerating the energy transition.”

“ClassNK has issued the AiP for the LH2 cargo containment system and cargo handling system developed by GTT, following our review in line with our rules and guidelines dedicated to LH2 transportation as well as verification of risk analysis results,” added Masaki Matsunaga, corporate officer and director of the plan approval and technical solution division of ClassNK. “Anticipating that hydrogen transportation will play a significant role in a decarbonized society, it is our pleasure to be involved in GTT’s pioneering initiative through our expertise in safety assessment.”

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