GoodMills Innovation launches newly developed protein blend

GoodMills Innovation is now offering a novel protein blend that makes it easy to produce baked goods high in protein without sacrificing flavour or sensory appeal.
GoWell Tasty Protein is a carefully balanced protein combination – made from fava beans, yellow peas, sunflower seeds and wheat – boasts a protein content of 60 per cent and a well-rounded amino acid profile. The blend also has a pleasant, subtle nutty flavour, free from the typical off-notes associated with many plant-based proteins.
Specifically designed for light baked goods such as burger buns, sandwich rolls or soft breads, GoWell Tasty Protein ensures optimal sensory characteristics. It delivers a pleasant, delicate bite and harmonious mouthfeel in the final product – stand-out qualities that are a welcome improvement on baked goods made with conventional protein blends. Thanks to its neutral to slightly nutty flavour, the original character of the baked goods is also preserved.
GoWell Tasty Protein has been designed to be easy to process and can be incorporated into existing recipes without the need for major adjustments. Even at low dosage, it significantly increases protein content in the end product for both simple and cost-efficient production.
The protein blend is also ideal for fine baked goods such as bagels, baguettes, pretzels and pancakes. Recipe suggestions from GoodMills Innovation, such as protein soft bread or burger buns, demonstrate that there is no need to compromise on either nutritional value or sensory appeal. Depending on dosage and recipe, manufacturers can also make claims such as “high protein content” or “vegan” thus offering additional positioning opportunities.
GoWell Tasty Protein relies on ingredients like fava beans and sunflower seeds, which are environmentally friendly in cultivation and processing.