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Future European hydrogen operators’ network enters ‘pre’ stage

Future European hydrogen operators’ network enters ‘pre’ stage

Image: Pre-ENNOH

Europe’s future hydrogen transmission network operators have formed the Pre-ENNOH to steer their activities during 2025.

The Pre-ENNOH is a temporary voluntary grouping to cooperate on the preparatory works for the ENNOH – the European Network of Network Operators for Hydrogen – which is expected to be legally established by Q4 of 2025.

Along with its legal establishment, deliverables include an integrated model and a single-sector draft methodology for hydrogen.

To lead the effort, Christoph von dem Bussche, managing director of the German TSOs GASCADE Gastransport GmbH and NEL Gastransport GmbH has been elected as the president.

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The role of director has been tasked to Abel Enríquez, previously head of EU Affairs and Organisations at the Spanish TSO Enagás and with many years of experience in multiple European organisations.

The 16 member board includes representatives from Snam (Italy), GRTgaz (France), FGSZ (Hungary), Gasgrid Finland /Gasgrid vetyverkot (Finland), GAZ-SYSTEM (Poland), Transgaz (Romania), Fluxys Hydrogen (Germany), Nordion Energi H2 (Sweden), Open Grid Europe (Germany), Gas Networks Ireland (Ireland), Gasunie/HyNetwork Services (Netherlands), Enagás Infraestructuras de Hidrógeno (Spain), Net4Gas (Czech Republic), DESFA (Greece), REN Gás (Portugal) and eustream (Slovakia).

Von dem Bussche comments: “Pre-ENNOH will play an essential role in ensuring the adequate preparatory works so that ENNOH can hit the ground running and deliver what is expected according to the EU regulation.

“We look forward to working and cooperating with the European Commission, ACER, ENTSO-E, ENTSOG, the EU DSO Entity and other relevant stakeholders during the execution of these preparatory works.”

ENNOH formation

The formation of the ENNOH was set out in the EU’s hydrogen and decarbonised gas package as the counterpart for hydrogen network operators of the electricity and gas transmission organisations ENTSO-E and ENTSOG.

During 2024, key statutory documents including draft articles of association and rules of procedure were prepared and submitted on 30 August for scrutiny to ACER.

ACER in turn on 19 December issued its opinion that the draft documents are “broadly in line with the requirements” of the regulation, along with some recommended changes, and its submission to the European Commission for its opinion.

Among the recommendations are the addition of climate related objectives to the ENNOH’s purpose, to eliminate the risk these are overlooked in the light of the priority of renewable hydrogen and its use in hard-to-decarbonise sectors in meeting the EU’s decarbonisation and sustainability goals.

ACER also highlighted the crucial factor for success lying in the timely transposition of certification provisions from the hydrogen and decarbonised gas directive by the member states – a responsibility resting with the relevant ministries rather than the ENNOH or its members.

With favourable receipt of the Commission’s opinion, the pre-ENNOH will have three months to adopt and publish the statutory documents.