Energy and powerNewsPower transmission

Fluvius orders 3.5m Landis+Gyr smart meters for Belgian counterparts

Belgium-based utility company Fluvius has selected Landis+Gyr smart meters as part of efforts to help its utility counterparts, Res and Ores, to optimise their operations through digital transformation.

Fluvius has acted as a central purchasing agent for the country’s main energy distribution companies Resa and Ores by awarding Landis+Gyr a tender for the supply of some 3.5 million smart gas and electric meters and related services.

Of the 3.5 million units, 2.5 million will be Landis+Gyr’s E360 smart meter model for residential electricity consumers whilst 1 million will be smart gas meters. Half of the digital meters will be supplied for installation to start in 2023 whilst the remaining will be provided through 2034.

In addition, Landis+Gyr will also provide the utilities with metering-as-as-service and IoT connectivity as-a-service for data telemetry and management of the advanced meters. The contract signed between Fluvius and Landis+Gyr also includes the option for the purchase and provision of additional advanced meters and data services in the future.

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Raf Bellers, Director Supply Chain at Fluvius, said: “A swift and professional roll-out of smart meters in Belgium will be key in our country’s long term energy transition strategy. Smart meters are crucial tools for citizens, companies, governments, and grid operators alike. We are glad that Landis+Gyr will become one of our two main partners in fulfilling this important task.”

Stephan Vandecasteele, Regional Manager Belgium / Luxembourg at Landis+Gyr, adds that the deal will empower “end consumers to gain detailed insights into their energy consumption and injection, while at the same time enabling utilities to operate more efficiently.”

Access to real-time energy usage data will enable consumers to conserve their energy and reduce energy bills. This will in turn help utility companies to avoid making huge investments to expand their generation capacity but rather optimise existing infrastructure. In other words, smart meters will enable energy companies to better match energy demand with supply. This would help them expand their portfolio of renewable energy assets at a time where the call to decarbonise is intensifying.

In March 2021, Ores in partnership with the City of Marche-en-Famenne announced a project to deploy some 1,000 smart meters as part of the European Commission “20-20-20” objective to leverage smart meters as a potential means of achieving energy usage and carbon emissions reductions. This followed a pilot in which the two deployed some 600 smart meters in 2010.