Finland’s Caruna signs for 760,000 smart meters renewal

Image: Aidon
Finland DSO Caruna has contracted Gridspertise company Aidon for the renewal of 760,000 meters and metering services for the next eight years.
Caruna anticipates installing the new meters for all customers from 2027 to 2029.
In addition to delivering the 760,000 meters, the agreement with a value of approximately €64 million ($67 million) includes the procurement of meters for new building projects in Caruna’s network area.
While the actual fixed contract period is eight years, the contract will continue to be valid after that until further notice.
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Mervi Haukilahti, Head of Procurement at Caruna, says the utility chose Aidon as its supplier based on cost efficiency, high quality and safety.
“With this agreement, Caruna and Aidon will begin extensive cooperation, which can be utilised throughout the entire 15-year lifecycle of the meters.”
Tommi Blomberg, CEO of Aidon, referenced the contract as “significant”, covering nearly one-fifth of all metering points in Finland.
“Our solutions are the result of significant development investments in recent years, enabling the provision of advanced energy services for DSOs and their customers.”
The mass replacement of meters is due to begin after pilot installations in 2027 and is expected to be completed by 2030.
The focus areas of Caruna’s meter replacement project are safety, cost-effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.
Caruna is Finland’s largest DSO, supplying more than 739,000 customers in south, southwest and west Finland, the city of Joensuu and Koillismaa municipality.
Aidon is one of the leading providers of smart grid and smart metering solutions in the Nordics, with its technology in use in almost 5 million energy metering points.