
EXCLUSIVE: ITS (UK) and automotive electronics technology trade body sign MoU at AESIN Conference

The UK’s Intelligent Transport Systems industry association, ITS (UK), and the Automotive Electronic Systems Innovation Network, AESIN, have announced that they have today signed an agreement to work closely together on the promotion of transport technology solutions.

Alan Banks, CEO of TechWorks (The umbrella association for AESIN), Jennie Martin – Secretary General ITS, and AESIN Director Gunny Dhadyalla.

The Memorandum of Association between ITS (UK) and AESIN intends to “form a forum for bilateral cooperation in Intelligent Transportation Systems to support membership value and international relations”.

The two parties will share knowledge of ITS research, as well as in-vehicle and Connected and Highly Automated Vehicle technologies.  They have committed to give particular attention to improving membership value and promoting research, educational, and commercial co-operation between the parties. 

“With this framework, ITS and automotive professionals and industries will better understand the potential for ITS and thus be able to optimise the development and deployment of ITS, in-vehicle technologies, and Connected and Highly Automated Vehicle technologies in their respective domains,” explained ITS (UK) Secretary General Jennie Martin. “We will exchange ITS information and technical publications between the two parties, facilitate ITS professionals and organisations from both private and public sectors to make contact, and volunteer leadership and staff regarding effective association management practices.”

Alan Banks, CEO of TechWorks (The umbrella association for AESIN), with Jennie Martin – Secretary General ITS

“We look forward to exchanging dialogue on policy issues that will be discussed at International Road Congresses, ITS World Congresses, ITS (UK) events and all relevant AESIN conferences, to benefit ITS professionals and industries around the world,” added AESIN Director Gunny Dhadyalla.  “I believe that our co-operation will be highly beneficial for both organisations and that this agreement may lead to more effective and better organised development and deployment of intelligent transportation systems, in-vehicle technologies and Connected and Highly Automated Vehicle technologies.”

The MoU was signed today at the AESIN Conference in Birmingham by Mrs Martin and Mr Banks.  Its initial term is for two years, including a quarterly review meeting between both parties.

For more information visit https://its-uk.org.uk and https://aesin.org.uk