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Enel to support Puget Sound Energy’s demand response programme

Enel to support Puget Sound Energy’s demand response programme

Image courtesy 123rf

In a partnership between Enel North America and the largest state utility in Washington, Puget Sound Energy (PSE), commercial, institutional and industrial organisations are offered incentive payments for participating in a demand response programme.

The Business Demand Response programme, which aims to ensure grid stability and reliability, will see eligible PSE business electric customers earn payments for making targeted energy reductions during periods of peak demand or grid emergencies.

Each participant’s earnings will be a combination of its committed load reduction capacity and the average of its participation across all events within a given season, multiplied by a fixed amount per kilowatt.

“Partnering with Enel is a great opportunity for us to continue our journey to grow our demand response programmes, providing ways to create value with and for our commercial and industrial customers,” said Aaron August, senior vice president, chief customer and transformation officer at PSE in a release.

“Together, we can unlock the potential of energy optimisation, utilising smart technologies in support of a clean energy future.”

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Under the terms of the agreement, Enel will work with PSE to recruit commercial and industrial customers from within the utility’s electric service area; PSE serves approximately 1.1 million electric customers in 10 counties, namely in Western Washington.

Enel will also help Washington customers enrol in the programmes, develop customised curtailment plans that demonstrate how customers can make targeted energy reductions during demand response events and manage a portfolio of demand response resources on behalf of customers.

“As the power grid evolves and extreme weather is on the rise, we shouldn’t have to choose between sustainability and reliability,” said Molly Jerrard, head of demand response at Enel North America.

“Demand response helps Washington integrate more renewables onto the grid while minimising disruptive events. And through incentive payments, large energy users are rewarded for playing their part. We’re glad to support PSE in maintaining a modern, flexible and cost-effective grid through demand response.”