
Emissions tool targets bearing applications


Bearings and seals specialist SKF is helping industry to better understand the carbon dioxide emissions related to the production and use phase of bearings following the launch of a new online tool. A dashboard available at enables users to explore how emissions differ in various positions across a range of industry applications.

Estimated emissions for a single rolling bearing can be received through the company’s Bearing Select tool, which takes into account the production phase as well as frictional power losses and grease consumption when in operation.

The user can download a report giving detail on these estimations, which can provide a starting point for improving the application from a sustainability performance perspective.

SKF’s head of sustainability Johan Lannering said: “Ultimately, improving the sustainability performance of a customer application requires the understanding of the full life cycle based on specific application data. I believe the tool we are launching will make it easier and more tangible for our customers to understand and accelerate this journey.”

“We are working hard to help our customers reach significant energy and corresponding carbon reductions by making our products lighter, more efficient, longer lasting and repairable,” he added.