Energy and powerRenewables

Ed’s Note: ‘From clean energy vision to clean energy action’

That is the title of this year’s edition of the Clean energy for EU islands forum, taking place on the Greek island of Rhodes on 17 & 18 May.

The European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, visited Greece earlier this month in order to participate at the Delphi Economic Forum and discuss energy policy with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Energy Minister Kostas Skrekas and the Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis.    

Now, she is about to return to the country, this time to welcome the participants on the first day of the forum and engage in high-level political panel discussions, workshops and site visits, showing examples of how to move from a clean energy vision to clean energy action.

Read more:
Previous Ed’s Notes
Find out more about Europe energy projects
Helping EU countries reach net zero requires a more supportive ‘demand’ response

The two-day forum will allow participants to get insights about practical steps towards the decarbonisation of EU islands and to learn more both about ongoing and completed clean energy projects on islands, as the forum’s website mentions.

I must admit I find it fitting that this forum takes place in Greece at exactly this time. News has it that the country is breaking one record after the other when it comes to Renewable Energy Resources (RES).

In fact, RES integration touched 68% earlier this month and right now operation amounts to 9 GW, with hopes of it growing to 29 GW by 2030. But as Manos Manousakis, CEO of Ipto mentioned at the Delphi forum, in order to enjoy the benefits of Green Energy to the maximum, we do need big storage projects.

Wind and solar projects I would add. And I am sure Iberdrola for one would agree with me, since, they are planning many new green projects that promote sustainability and energy autonomy in Europe.

And guess where is their first stop. That’s right, in Greece where they already started the construction of a new wind farm. Askio III will provide clean energy to more than 54,000 families.

Seems like Greece is in Vogue this year and I for one couldn’t be happier or prouder about it. How about you?

Cheers, Areti