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edie launches new business guide on energy data optimisation

edie has today (9 September) published a new report outlining all the key considerations, challenges and benefits to investing in energy data optimisation to assist with low-carbon strategies.

The guide is free to download

The guide is free to download

Research suggests that “simple” measures such as installing energy-efficient lighting and better heating management could create more than £45m in energy cost savings across 4,150 analysed sites.

In addition, edie surveys have revealed that energy managers are hoping to focus on data optimisation and smart technologies such as Artificial Intelligence to accelerate low-carbon plans.

But energy data optimisation offers a lot of different options for business. What is energy data optimisation? Why should a business optimise its energy data? What are the costs and challenges of energy data optimisation? This new edie Explains guide answers everything you need to know about the topic.


Energy data optimisation is a complicated topic. However, in layman’s terms, it is about how an organisation can make the most of the energy data it has so that it can understand exactly how much energy it is consuming and identify where it can make improvements in usage and efficiency.

However, there is a multitude of considerations that businesses must explore when looking at energy optimisation. This free-to-download guide, sponsored by Inspired Energy, offers best-practice advice on how to reap the benefits of energy data optimisation.

The report features an expert viewpoint from Inspired Energy’s optimisation manager Daniel Crowe on how the topic can assist with the wider net-zero transition.

“While the nuts and bolts of metering and energy management are nothing new, it feels like there has been a resurgence in attention on energy data availability and quality,” Crowe states in the guide. “This is no surprise considering the combined drivers of an impending recession, mandatory schemes driving data collection at a company level (ESOS, SECR) and the rocketing interest in net-zero carbon targets.

“At Inspired Energy, we are strong advocates of simplifying- and where possible automating – data collection and reporting. Supporting the use of automatic meters wherever possible, to get all your data into one system and start generating the maximum value from the data you already collect.”

Click here to download the report.

edie staff