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E.ON connects third mobile storage system under IElectrix project

Germany multinational utility E.ON continues to advance its energy storage portfolio to expand its clean energy and flexible energy capacity for grid reliability.

The utility has connected its third mobile energy storage system developed as part of the EU-funded IElectrix project. The storage plant will serve the energy company’s distribution grid in Dúzs, Hungary for increased solar PV penetration.

Dúzs is an ideal location E.ON can leverage to expand its renewables capacity, however, rollout and grid integration has been limited due to large amounts of renewables capacity generated by the two plants in the region exceeding the capacity the grid is able to hold. With the new mobile battery energy storage system, E.ON is now able to further increase the share of renewables within its grid.

Using the mobile energy storage system is 80% cheaper and time-saving than E.ON upgrading its transmission and distribution infrastructure to accommodate renewable energy generated from the region within its grid network, according to a statement.

Mark Ritzmann, managing director at E.ON Innovation, said: “The expansion of renewables is a fundamental prerequisite for Europe to achieve its climate targets. Within the next decade, renewable energy capacities will grow as never before. However, existing networks have not been designed to meet these challenges when they were built. To bridge this gap, smart technologies for short-term flexibility are needed.”

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According to Attila Kiss, CEO of E.ON in Hungary, the amount of solar energy capacity connected to the grid within the utility’s service territory in Hungary increased by 20 times in the past four years.

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Solar energy is expected to continue to play an increasing role in the transition to net-zero across Europe with the region recording an 11% increase in capacity deployed in 2020 compared to 2019. Up to 18.2GW as installed in Europe in 2020 alone despite the pandemic, according to a statement.

Ritzmann, added: “In this respect, Dúzs and the other IElectrix sites, with their mobile storage units and use of digital technology, are real showcase projects for a sustainable energy future.”

E.ON and its partners within the IElectrix project, European and Indian utilities, academia, technology firms, and research institutions including Tata Power, HEDNO and Enedis, seek to integrate more green energy with grid networks at short notice and low cost using new and advanced solutions.

The utility has connected the other two mobile energy storage systems developed under IElectrix in Friedland in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and in Zánka (Hungary) to address grid bottlenecks associated with renewables fluctuations. The energy company plans to invest €7 billion to prepare the German grid for more renewable energy penetration and other distributed energy resources including mobile energy storage and electric vehicles over the next three years.