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drinktec and BrauBeviale establish advisory committee

drinktec and BrauBeviale establish advisory committee

Photo: YONTEX/Frank Boxler
Capture (from left to right): The advisory committee at the occasion of the first session in Nuremberg: Dr. Reiner Brambach, Roland Demleitner, Beatrix Fraese, Kilian Kittl, Kai Neubauer, Martin Hammerschmid, Caroline Pötzl, Markus Tischer, Richard Clemens, Guido Klinkhammer, Bastian Heuft, Klaus Gehrig, Jan Friedrich Büchler not in the picture: Dr. Roland Folz, Marcus Ley, Stéphane Meulemans, Thomas Raiser, Zhanna Shalgina, Stefan Stang (represented by Kilian Kittl), Tobias Wetzel

Yontex the new exhibition organiser in the beverage and liquid food industry, has established an advisory committee that will be involved in the alignment of all activities under the new umbrella brand.

The team is now preparing for two eventful years, as BrauBeviale 2024 (November 26-28, 2024, in Nuremberg) and drinktec 2025 (September 15-19, 2025, in Munich) will once again provide the beverage and liquid food industry with the familiar and much-needed platforms in Europe and around the world to prepare for current and future challenges.

Starting this March 2024, Yontex will be supported by an advisory committee made up of exhibitors and the respective conceptual sponsors of the two exhibitions. With the Bavarian Association of Private Breweries for BrauBeviale and the VDMA win Association of Food Processing and Packaging Machinery for drinktec, the exhibition team will enjoy strong support from the industry.

“Our focus on sustainable partnerships and targeted consideration of industry needs is once again emphasised with this committee. We are delighted that we have been able to attract experts with in-depth specialist knowledge. They will complement our approach with their practical perspective,” emphasises Rolf M. Keller, managing director of Yontex.

To strengthen its international presence, the Yontex team is currently focusing on activities in the Indian market, based on the drink technology India brand and the Chinese market with the partners of China Brew China Beverage. Both platforms are based on drinktec’s current activities in these regions.

“For these core regions we offer customised platforms and thus open-up potential for our exhibitors, in addition to the BrauBeviale and drinktec events on the global markets,” explains Petra Westphal, executive vice president and responsible for product strategies, international business and people & culture.

“Only Yontex has established a global network that covers the entire value chain of the beverage & liquid food industry. This provides the industry worldwide with solutions for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

“We consider these activities in the international markets to be an essential part of our complete portfolio for the industry and we will continue to expand this business segment,” says Westphal.

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