
DAV Tech builds robotized dosing stations with Festo

Written on {{ “2021-05-10T00:00:00+00:00” | date “longDate” }} Modified on {{ “2021-05-10T00:00:00+00:00” | date “longDate” }}

DAV Tech deals with applications of fluid micro-dosing within industrial assembly processes, building customized automated solutions.

DAV Tech builds robotized dosing stations with Festo

The company stands out for its ability to integrate the process starting from the design, “be it mechanical, electrical or software,” states Andrea Grazioli, Technical Manager DAV Tech.
“With the performance of all the preliminary testing activities for the validation of all the solutions to be implemented, until the realization and commissioning of the system.”

DAV Tech systems have been created from an Industry 4.0 perspective for several years now, “since the term 4.0 had come up and it was used more on a conceptual level than in reality,” continues Grazioli. “We have always focused on what is interconnected and what can be remote access. An example is Tele assistance systems and continuous process monitoring, useful for monitoring, up to the process control phase, to have stable and controlled dispensing processes.”

DAV Tech builds robotized dosing stations with Festo

Working with companies mainly in the automotive sector has been a driving force for DAV Tech, “we have tried to acquire and make our own all the Best Practices defining the path of this automation sector, towards the realization of increasingly modern systems, interconnected and controlled”.
DAV Tech’s goal is to make available services that can respond directly to the needs of their customers, “An example is the provision of turnkey solutions dedicated to micro-dosing of industrial fluids, designing tailor-made solutions,” says Giovanni Tenzon, Application Sales Engineer Festo. “In this regard, Festo supports them in the realization of robotic dosing stations.”

“For what concern technical solutions, we use Festo electric axes with great satisfaction in about a hundred applications built in the last 7 years”, continues A. Grazioli. Among the most appreciated qualities of the collaboration with Festo there are reliability and reputation. “Its reliability, which for us is the main thing, has allowed us to never have to worry about the component installed on our machines. We have never faced the slightest technical problem on applications that work in ‘high demanding’ companies in the automotive world or similar. They may happen to be working on 3 shifts no-stop or in environments exposed to dirt and contamination. For us, these are features to be taken into consideration as we build dosing systems, “, states A. Grazioli. “Added to this is Festo’s reputation as a world-class company that can be found all over the world. This is something that is perceived by customers as a high-end solution and therefore it provides a guaranty.”

DAV Tech builds robotized dosing stations with Festo

“The collaboration with Festo was born in 2015, in a way we define special,” says A. Grazioli. “We were purchasing the pneumatics components, but above all the electric axes handling part from another player. However, it created significant problems in terms of delivery and support. Festo was very good at seizing the opportunity and finding technical solutions that allowed us to deliver in time the order we had with the customer, with a higher-level product at a competitive price.”

“The relationship then evolved thanks to the support of Festo technicians,” says G. Tenzon. “led DAV Tech to standardize the use of the Festo brand in all of its pneumatic component applications, right down to the electrical linear motion part, for which DAV Tech always uses Festo mechanical axes, including EGC axes and EGLS mini-slides.” In addition to the electrical solutions, there are standard pneumatic solutions as well, “such as the MS filter and VUVG solenoid valves. All components that DAV Tech has selected for reliability and quality.”

DAV Tech builds robotized dosing stations with Festo

With the pandemic, DAV Tech proved great responsiveness during this tough period, primarily in the use of digital tools. “We had to adapt very quickly as we were unable to move both for us and our customers. We did it efficiently by implementing Tele assistance systems, both remotely and in augmented reality, and we started to carry out tests or FAT (factory acceptance test, pre-tests) using image acquisition systems,” explains A. Grazioli. “This way, we kept in touch with customers, showing them in real-time the detailed operation of the machine, validating it even thousands of kilometers away.”

This is a process that DAV Tech had already put in place for customers outside Europe who couldn’t move and test average small stations, “it’s a system we’re already used to, and we’ve made it available to everyone.”
However, habits have changed for the human part as well: “from coffee breaks together, we have moved on to virtual coffees”, says G. Tenzon. “But this has strengthened the common will to find a solution. It doesn’t matter how you communicate if at the end of the day the common goal is shared.”

“During this period, as we received fewer visits from Festo’s sales technicians, we worked remotely exchanging information in real-time,” continues A. Grazioli. “We evaluated the projects together and then finalized the order. Having Festo’s online shop at our disposal greatly optimized our time. All this without having to move and without the need to implement any activities. Therefore, we are happy to state that Festo’s support has been very much appreciated, mainly in times of need, and this has encouraged the desire for a stable collaboration”.

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