Energy and powerPower transmission

Datatopia podcast: The cognitive utility

In this Datatopia episode with Areti Ntaradimou, Content Director at Enlit Europe, we exchange our insights and experiences working with utilities and how we help accelerate the energy transition. In this podcast, you will learn not only about the concept of the digital utility, but also the essence of the cognitive utility.

Technological advancements are driving sector convergence in three key areas:

Connectivity: The fusion of data, technology platforms and physical devices is unlocking new approaches to data-driven service innovation.

Automation: The automation of operations, along with developments in human-machine interface, is transforming customer and business processes and radically impacting how services are delivered and costs are minimized.

Cognitive: A new era of transformation and reinvention is dawning on utilities in the energy sector. Organizations are facing an unprecedented convergence of technological, prosumer and regulatory forces. Utilities are now responding by reshaping and innovating new service offerings for their clients and providing the opportunity to integrate renewables, storage and EV charging to name but a few use cases that all rely on a data foundation. We call this the next step in the energy revolution… The Cognitive Utility.

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As the pace of innovation and disruption accelerates, utilities are forced to transform quickly into digital and data-driven organizations. With Utilihive, Greenbird offers the domain-specific big data integration platform, empowering the digital utility to create sustainable value from its data and adapt quickly to changing requirements and opportunities in the market.