Classification society ClassNK has released the Guidelines for Ships Using Alternative Fuels Edition 2.0, which now features specific safety requirements for ammonia-fueled ships to provide guidance for alternative-fueled ship design. The guidelines also cover vessels fueled by methanol, ethanol and LPG.

ClassNK’s guidelines describe in detail the safety requirements necessary for methanol-, ethanol- and ammonia-fueled vessels, and also outline the risk that these fuels pose to ships, crews and the environment. The requirements for installation, controls and safety devices are also included to reduce overall risk.

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Additions to the guidelines include specific requirements, such as isolation distances from areas where there is a risk of ammonia release to areas that should be protected. Furthermore, safety design concepts to design engines and boilers using ammonia fuel have been added to ensure the safety of ammonia-fueled ships.

Ammonia is toxic to humans and corrosive to materials. The latest guidelines reflect ClassNK’s knowledge of the fuel, with company expertise gained through R&D projects conducted alongside industry partners.