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City of Utica deploys smart street lighting and energy efficiency project with NYPA

In the US state of New York, utility NYPA has announced the completion of a smart street lighting and energy efficiency programme with the City of Utica.

The two installed 7,140 smart LED streetlights as part of the Smart Street Lighting NY, an initiative aiming to replace 50,000 streetlights with smart and energy-efficient models by 2025.

Gil C. Quiniones, the CEO of NYPA, said: “Smart Street Lighting NY has been an enormous success story for the state and NYPA intends to aggressively continue the installation of LED street lighting. We are on track to not only meet but to exceed the Governor’s goal.”

Some 286,000 smart streetlights have been installed as part of the programme in the state including in municipalities Albany, Rochester, Syracuse, and White Plains.

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NYPA financed the $11.1 million project for the City of Utica. Some asset management nodes and LED streetlights were installed for real-time operation of the streetlights, automated outage reporting and to reduce energy costs associated with keeping the city brights and safe. The project is expected to return $1.5 million in annual savings for the City of Utica.

The LED models installed are 50% to 65% energy efficient compared to other models on the market or existing streetlights that are being replaced, according to a statement.

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The technology installed enables the City to remotely dim or increase the lighting capability of the streetlights. The programme is expected to pave way for smart cities and smart grid applications. For instance, the poles can be used to install cameras, weather sensors, smart meters, and the network to provide WI-Fi services for citizens. The smart streetlights business case is an example of how utilities are embarking on innovative use cases and technologies to expand their revenue collection and streams.

City of Utica Mayor Robert M. Palmieri, added that the project has enabled the city to “improve our infrastructure, upgrade our technology, reduce our carbon footprint and provide better customer service.” The project and many others of this nature are expected to help New York State to achieve its climate action goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 85% from 1990 levels by 2050.

NYPA will also be providing an asset management controls system to provide cities with smart streetlights with maintenance services to reduce the number of failures and repairs required.