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Chefs join forces to re-imagine the vegan ready meal

Mane chefs want to highlight the power of Nature during a workshop in Vouvry, Switzerland from 13-15 of March, where the key question will be: What is the future of Vegan Ready Meals?

The plant based food market in Europe is expected to grow by more than 80% from 2020 to 2026 (from 6to 12 billion US$ – source: Statista/MRFR).

Using the power of complementary teamwork, Mane says the common objective is to push the group to achieve “excellence with passion”.

The workshop in Vouvry aims to achieve the same objective: to bring together the individual strengths of each of its chefs for the benefit of the group.

Mane says it’s chefs all come from different origins and backgrounds, and this diversity of knowledge will be consolidated in the intensive workshop around plant-based ready meals.

According to Mane, the plant-based ready meals offer is underexplored, but with great potential. Currently, most of the market options lean towards analogues.

Mane believes it can capitalise on the natural richness of the vegetal world.

“Combining the thousands of vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, grains, pulses, nuts and seeds that are available, creative recipes are infinite,” the company says

The ambition of Mane’s chefs is to re-imagine the vegan ready meal of tomorrow.

To do so, they intend to highlight Mane’s Savoir-Faire, culinary touch and innovation through intensive brainstorming and application sessions, keeping in mind the following motto: thinking towards the Future.

Mane’s chefs will utilise their knowledge around vegan food, their culinary skills, and various backgrounds to generate novel approaches to enhance the vegan ready meal experience.

The goal will be to come away with golden standard culinary recipes that can then be industrialised using Mane’s portfolio of ingredients and flavours.

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