
Celebrate Women’s Diversity at the SMTAI 2021 Women’s Leadership Program

KYZEN, the global leader in innovative environmentally friendly cleaning chemistries, is proud to announce that it is sponsoring the Women’s Leadership Program’s Connection Reception and Ice Cream Social to be held at SMTA International on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 5 p.m. in Room 204 A&B at the Minneapolis Convention Center. This is the ninth consecutive year that KYZEN has sponsored this event in support of women in all roles within the Electronics Assembly Industry.

This year, the theme is all about diversity and highlighting individual strengths women have in a male-dominated industry. The Women’s Leadership Program will offer career development presentations, guided meditation sessions, as well as the opportunity to discuss and collaborate with industry peers during the speed mentoring sessions. A wine and ice cream social, hosted by KYZEN with awesome swag bags, will follow immediately afterward.

“In the beginning the number of women in our industry fit into a very small conference room no bigger than an executive office,” remembered Sherry Stepp, KYZEN’s Global Marketing Manager. “It is encouraging and amazing to see how it has grown enough to fill a ballroom as well as turned into a full conference track offering!”

All women in the electronics manufacturing industry are invited and encouraged to come and enjoy this free, special reception. Socialise with peers, be inspired by their experience and expertise navigating this male-dominated industry and have some fun. 

For more information, visit here.