
Call for extra year of study for college students

Make UK has backed calls by the Association of Colleges for extra teaching and support for students of further education, sixth form, tertiary and specialist colleges – including an extra year of study for those who need it.

The association published the results of a survey of colleges, revealing the damage to students’ education during the Covid-19 pandemic. It showed that three quarters (77%) of 16 to 18-year-olds are performing below normal expectations and are between one and four months behind. A similar number of adult students (69%) were also below where they would normally be at this point in the academic year. Students on practical courses such as engineering and construction have been hit hardest, the association said, because it is most difficult to replace practical teaching through online delivery.

Nearly three quarters (71%) of colleges are providing additional tuition going beyond that covered by the 16 to 19 Tuition Fund, a one-off £96m Covid response fund for the 2020-2021 academic year only. Many provided teaching over the Easter holidays to make up for lost learning.

The association called for college students to be funded at the same rate as 16 and 17-year-olds, removing a 17.5% fall in funding that currently exists at 18, with targeted support for the most disadvantaged through a 16-19 student premium, like the pupil premium in schools. They should be entitled to the same hours of teaching and support as counterparts in other OECD countries, to fund extra-curricular activities that have fallen off during the pandemic.

Students leaving college should be guaranteed a fully-funded extra year of study if they need it. This could be made possible through “a simple, flexible fund, which allows colleges to design programmes lasting between six months to one year to meet different needs”, said the association. A bursary would be required to allow students to participate.

Support was also needed to guide students through DfE and DWP initiatives including bootcamps, traineeships, apprenticeships, Restart and Kickstart, which were confusing for students, employers and colleges, it added.

AoC chief executive David Hughes said: “The data from colleges paints a stark picture of the pandemic’s impact. Many students, particularly those on vocational courses and on lower level courses, have lost out on crucial skills development and training. The government needs to act swiftly to support existing college students, those starting this autumn and those leaving for the labour market. Our recommendations give long-term solutions to the problem of lost learning, because the impact of Covid will last for some time.”

Make UK director of policy Verity Davidge said the findings demonstrated the considerable impact the pandemic had had on learners in the manufacturing sector. She added: “Replicating vital on-the-job training in the manufacturing sector for young people has proved challenging. Nothing can replace the immersive learning experience of working on a manufacturing site. The government must now take swift action to limit the adverse impacts of lost learning for young people. Targeted sectoral support for those that have lost out on crucial skills development and training in the manufacturing sector will be vital.”

The Association of Colleges is the national voice for further education, sixth form, tertiary and specialist colleges in England. The full report is available here .