Design engineering

Brushless DC slotted flat motor delivers improved heat management

Portescap is introduces the 60ECF brushless DC slotted flat motor, the newest frame size to join its flat motor portfolio. This 60mm BLDC motor features a 38.2mm body length and an outer rotor slotted configuration with an open body design, allowing it to deliver improved heat management in a compact package.

The 60ECF provides up to 298mNm torque and can be combined with Portescap’s R22HT, R26HT, R32, R32HT, and R40 gearheads to deliver extremely high output torque and speed reduction. It is available in both sensored and sensorless options, with the former utilising hall sensors for easy position control.

This slotted flat motor is a perfect fit for applications requiring high power density and smooth output torque, including those in aerospace and defence, robotics, industrial automation, and surgical robotics. Specific examples include electric grippers and exoskeletons, eVtols, and surgical robots.