Brits toasting the New Year with tea instead of wine

According to a recent survey, seven out of ten people claim they prefer tea to alcoholic beverages.
Herbal brews, fruit teas, and even tea-based mocktails are rising in popularity, is a major finding of the survey from the UK Tea & Infusions Association (UKTIA).
Dr. Sharon Hall, chief executive of UKTIA, notes that tea’s versatility makes it perfect for all-day enjoyment, whether you’re catching up with loved ones over breakfast, lunch, or dinner and into the evening.
While the festive season and the New Year is well known for parties, new real-world research data released by the UK Tea & Infusions Association (source: Perspectus Global. Online survey of 1000 consumers, Winter 2024) suggests many Brits are considering more sensible drink choices with regard to their party beverage of choice.
“When it comes to the festive season and New Year this year, the UKTIA real-world data suggest that many could be turning to tea instead of their regular tipple,” says Dr Sharon Hall, chief executive of the UK Tea and Infusions Association, adding that as many as seven out of 10 (70%) Brits surveyed said they often (28%) or sometimes (42%) chose tea instead of an alcoholic drink.
The great thing about tea is that it can be enjoyed throughout the whole day, which isn’t the case with alcoholic drinks. So, tea can help us celebrate whether we’re meeting loved ones for a breakfast, lunch, or dinner. And there are plenty of ways to spice up your regular cuppa by choosing herbal brews, warming fruit teas and tea-based mocktails.
“The morning is often when we really need a boost to help us get going. Almost two-thirds (64%) of UKTIA survey respondents admitted that they relied on a cup of tea to tackle the day ahead,” comments Dr Sharon Hall.
She continues: “A cup of tea can be the ideal way to kick off a busy day – especially on a cold and frosty morning – as suggested by the two-fifths (38%) of survey respondents who said they drank tea to keep warm.”
The top three answers for the time of day when people like to drink their tea included: 1) breakfast (over four in 10 – 45%), 2) in the afternoon (44%), and 3) mid-morning (40%). Others said they drank their cuppa on waking (a third – 33%), in the evening (32%), with lunch (over a quarter – 29%), with dinner (nearly a fifth – 18%), and at bedtime (one in 10 – 10%).
As Dr Sharon Hall points out: “A cuppa really is versatile in its ability to support us through busy times. It can help us take a break just as much as it can give us a much-needed boost. For example, the UKTIA real-world research data suggests that over a third (37%) drink tea to take a break. On the flip side, a fifth (20%) of Brits find motivation in their teacup.”
Getting into the specifics, regular black tea (with or without milk) was the most popular answer (40%) when survey respondents were asked which hot drink they would choose if they could only choose one and had to give up all the rest. Around half that number (22%) chose coffee, while 15% chose hot chocolate and 13% chose green tea.
“Among the herbal infusions mentioned in the real-world research, one stands out for its festive character,” says Dr Sharon Hall, adding: “Over four in 10 (43%) said they enjoyed a warming cup of ginger tea.”
In many ways, the festive break and seeing in the New Year, is a wonderful time of year, but it can also take its toll, with family visiting, food to prepare, and late nights.
As Dr Sharon Hall notes: “So many of us run ourselves ragged in the lead up to the festive break and New Year, so putting your feet up with a cuppa is the ideal way to ease pressure and take time out to relax. Quite sensibly, over a third (37%) of UKTIA survey respondents said they drank tea to take a break, while over four in 10 (44%) said they had a cuppa for the comfort.”
The UKTIA real-world research survey also identified another reason why tea might be a good tool to have in your kit this festive time and New Year, with over one in five (22%) people admitting that putting on the kettle was their go-to when they have a difficult job to do.