
Black Friday Madness Gets Smarter With L-A-C 

The UK-wide adoption of Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the run up to the already hectic Christmas period has put enormous added pressure on the logistics sector. Data from Collect+ showed that last year there was an 81% leap in UK parcel traffic over the Black Friday weekend with almost 900,000 extra parcels processed compared to the previous year. With spending in 2023 showing that Black Friday itself generated upward of £1billion in the UK, this in turn creates an order fulfilment and delivery conundrum with such high order volumes being created.

This seasonal upsurge on top of the ongoing rise in online shopping practices can significantly affect warehouse processes and their ability to fulfil order requirements in an efficient and accurate manner. With many warehouse operations still reliant on a manual workforce, catering for the peak periods comes with very real issues and can lead to businesses being overwhelmed and unable to cope with the sudden and often unpredictable increase in customer orders.

The solution, however, is within your grasp. L-A-C Logistics Automation has a wealth of experience designing and delivering intelligent automation systems that significantly enhance warehouse operations. L-A-C leverages innovative technology to manage inventory throughput and replenishment and enhance the overall warehouse fulfilment process. Such technology provides the opportunity to not only become super-efficient, but also to reduce reliance on people, leaving them free to be deployed in more value-added tasks across the business.

Automation comes in many guises with L-A-C’s range of high-quality, UK manufactured conveyors and sortation systems offering effective solutions to manage fluctuating order volumes. High-density and versatile Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems, such as HUBMASTER’s stacker crane designed to increase storage density and accelerate operations across storage, put-away and retrieval, provide the necessary agility to manage Black Friday and Christmas order challenges. Additionally, the advancement in Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) technology – such as the EXOTEC system, featuring Skypod® AMRs – provides a phenomenal opportunity to integrate a solution that delivers increased capacity and throughput, as well as the all-important reliability of service that is required to meet seasonal peaks.

The trend for robotics integration is also on an upward spiral, from robotic palletisers to robots designed for pick and place operations. L-A-C’s robotics solutions can be easily integrated with other automation technology such as AMRs and conveyor systems, to deliver a seamless flow of order fulfilment.

The vast array of automation solutions now available may appear daunting, so when taking the first step it’s important to be guided by experts to ensure any system integration aligns with your objectives and provides the necessary launchpad in the quest for greater productivity. Engaging with automation experts L-A-C will ensure you benefit from the most appropriate automation and systems based on your precise operational needs. As a leading systems integrator, L-A-C offers a full turnkey service from design and manufacture through to testing and installation, with exceptional customer service and aftercare as standard.

Energy efficiency, reliability, accuracy, and enhanced throughput make for compelling reasons to invest in automation. Begin your journey today, contact the L-A-C team and discover how integrating intelligent automation solutions will enable you to become more competitive, agile and fully prepared to overcome the peak season challenges that begin again in less than 12 months’ time.