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Bia Analytical provides swift and convenient authenticity screening at the sampling point

Belfast based Bia Analytical has announced the release of its much anticipated and ground-breaking new portable authenticity testing service that will offer customers a “high-speed, effortless, authenticity screening at the point of sampling”, bringing testing out of the lab and into the supply chain.

This ultra-fast portable service as recently featured on BBC Radio 4’s The Food Programme – utilises Bia Analytical’s robust scientific models to provide an indication of authenticity within seconds. Delivering rapid results at the press of a button, enabling real-time decision-making and significant cost saving. It allows anyone in the supply chain, whether producer, distributor, supplier, retailer or auditor to instantly test the authenticity of their goods anytime, anywhere. This is the quickest, most effortless, and portable solution on the market utilising technology from trinamiX.

Backed by the trusted and accredited Bia Analytical lab it provides a robust and trusted indication of authenticity in seconds. This ground-breaking portable solution delivers cutting-edge science via exclusive access to Bia Analytical’s rigorously validated authenticity solutions, enhancing quality control process with rapid on-the-spot authentication at the point of sampling. Results are delivered within seconds through a handheld device powered by cloud-hosted unique tests.

Terry McGrath, Bia Analytical founder and CSO stated that the launch of this new portable service is only possible due to the work that has been undertaken over many years in the laboratory by the research team in Bia Analytical.

“The team has gathered and tested thousands of samples to build up an extensive range of authenticity models using advanced data science and modelling,” McGrath said.

“Combining this scientific research with world-leading technology has allowed us to create this unique offering. We’re thrilled to be able to bring this combination of science and technology out of the lab and into the hands of anyone who cares about quality across the supply chain. We are passionate about removing fraud within the food industry and increasing consumer confidence in the food we buy every day.”

The service allows customers to enhance and expand their quality control process at the point of sampling, allowing then to make informed decisions, giving a better representation of integrity across their products. An unlimited cost-effective solution enables high throughput screening, resulting in targeted follow-up lab testing.

Simon Cole, Bia Analytical CEO said at a very unique time in the industry, consumers are increasingly concerned about food quality, integrity, and sustainability.

“Our highly anticipated portable testing service is bringing a game-changing upgrade to the verification of food integrity and authenticity,” Cole said. “Instant testing at the point of sampling will allow quality-minded organisations to carry out testing across their supply chain, identifying potential issues, allowing for targeted lab testing reducing costs, and increasing confidence.

“We’re excited to be bringing this new service to market and working with our customers and partners to bring a very fresh approach to early authenticity testing which will drive a higher level of quality and integrity within the food supply chain.”

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