
Altus Group Recognised for their Customer Service Commitment

Altus Group, a leading distributor of capital equipment in the UK and Ireland, has been recognised for its commitment to continually improving its customer service with the recent accreditation of the ISO 9001 certification and the achievement of the Cyber Essentials Plus scheme.

As a worldwide recognised quality management standard, ISO 9001 validates Altus Group’s ability to exceed their customers’ quality expectations and requirements.

“Every company that has gone through the certification process understands that achieving ISO 9001 is very demanding, but also demonstrates a company’s desire to perform at the highest levels of quality and efficiency,” said Mike Todd, Operations Manager (Assembly, Soldering and Cleaning Products) for Altus Group.

“By auditing our processes at every level, we assure our customers are receiving the highest quality products and the utmost level of service. We are proud to have earned an ISO 9001 certification again. We feel it provides additional assurance to our customers that we are focused on continuous improvement and effective dedication to assuring quality and customer satisfaction.”

Enhancing its quality management further, Altus Group has also been accredited for the Government-backed Cyber Essentials scheme aimed at helping businesses to protect themselves and their customers against cyber threats.

With Altus working closely with companies that hold sensitive information, this accreditation was important to achieve.

“We see this accreditation as an essential requirement to demonstrate how seriously we take our commitment to ensuring our own cyber security is protected, along with those businesses and individuals that place their trust in us,” said Matt Jones, Altus Sales Director.

“Achieving Cyber Essentials Plus status, plus the re-certification of ISO 9001 shows just how seriously we take our quality management and information security.

“Our customers can feel reassured Altus Group is dedicated to operating and maintaining a high-quality management process and that we are committed to safeguarding their information at all times.”
