Energy and powerNewsPower transmission

Alliander, Stedin, Enexis and TenneT collaborate on innovation programme

Regional grid operators Alliander, Stedin and Enexis are collaborating with Dutch-German TSO TenneT in the Netherland on the Open Innovation Programme, which seeks to develop solutions to help combat grid congestion and optimise use of the electricity grid.

Rapid development of heat pumps, charging stations, new businesses and industry’s sustainability initiatives is leading to an explosion in demand for power grid capacity.

Grid expansion is in full swing, but it’s taking a long time, partly due to the search for suitable sites and lengthy permit procedures. Resources, in terms of qualified personnel and equipment to prepare and carry out all the work, are also limited.

Hence, the Open Innovation Programme was launched by the network operators and aims to open the ground for external parties to develop the solutions needed.

As part of the programme, participants will come up with creative proposals that contribute to optimal utilisation of the grid. Participants will be able to test and develop pilots, with potential financial compensation.

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The programme was announced by TenneT at the same time as the country’s national action programme, landelijk actieprogramma, which intends to speed up grid investments and work on solutions to make better use of the grid.

Last year, the country’s grid experienced recurring bottlenecks due to the influx of renewable energy sources coming online, which has resulted in the grid being at capacity.

Although various funding schemes and grid expansion initiatives have been in the works, the problem remains. Connection delays have become frequent and the network operators have been in search of a solution.

And this, alongside the national action plan, is hoped to provide some much-needed solutions for the continued obstacle.

Programme kick-off is on 16 February 2023 at TenneT’s headquarters in Arnhem, Netherlands.