AEI Cables reviews fire safety cabling regulations

AEI Cables has sent a message to those making decisions about fire safety cabling under the new Building Safety Act 2022.
From October 2023, buildings of at least 18m in height or with at least seven storeys, containing at least two residential units, will be deemed ‘high risk buildings’ and must be registered with the newly established, Building Safety Regulator.
The registration must be made by the organisation or person who owns or has responsibility for the building, referred to as the Principal Accountable Person. Principal Accountable Persons could include housing associations, property management companies or individual managers or asset owners.
A Principal Accountable Person who fails to register an occupied higher risk building without a ‘reasonable excuse’ will be liable to either a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
Stuart Dover, General Manager of AEI Cables, says, “Those who are deemed to be the Principal Accountable Person should recognise their responsibilities. There can be no compromise when it comes to the selection of cables for fire safety and they should always meet the legal requirement. If in doubt, they should always check the relevant level of performance required.
“Ultimately, we are talking about the threat to lives and property, if the products installed in these tall buildings are not fit for purpose.”
The Principal Accountable Person must have assessed all building safety risks and taken all reasonable steps to control them, give the safety case report to the Regulator on request, and apply for a building assessment certificate.
The company has also been communicating the dangers of not following the technical guidance for the selection and installation of cables for Category 3 Control fire performance cables under the revised British Standard BS8519: 2020.
The systems powered by these cables, including smoke and heat extraction systems, assist fire services in firefighting and a safe evacuation in the case of life safety. Category 3 Control fire performance cables reduce harmful smoke, toxic gases and flame spread in the event of a real fire.
AEI Cables is a supplier in the UK with independent approval from LPCB for BS8519 Category 3 Control fire performance cables with a fire survival time of up to 120 minutes. Using the Firetec Total Fire Solutions range, it offers Mineral Insulated Cabling (MIC), Firetec Enhanced fire performance cabling, accessories and technical support from the AEI Cables distribution facility at Washington, Tyne and Wear.