
A socially distanced farewell at XYZ Machine Tools

A socially distanced farewell at XYZ Machine Tools

Alan Mugglestone (left) picture receiving a virtual handshake from Neil Andrews after 26-years’ service as a service engineer with XYZ

After 26 years as a service engineer at XYZ Machine Tools, Alan Mugglestone has laid down his toolbox for the last time and taken a well-earned retirement.

Mr Mugglestone decided the time was right to take things a bit easier after health issues and COVID-19 forced him to shield for many months. Bidding him a socially distanced farewell is XYZ’s service team leader Neil Andrews, who himself has 30 years of service at the company having started there as an apprentice.

Mr Mugglestone plans to use his retirement by giving his support to his two local teams, Leicester City and Leicester Tigers, keeping a close eye on the timekeeping with the watch his colleagues in the service department bought for him. Any spare time will be dedicated to his family.

“We wish Alan all the very best in his retirement and thank him for his long service,” says Nigel Atherton, managing director, XYZ Machine Tools. “We are grateful for the loyalty of our employees and are proud to that over 50 per cent of them have worked with us for between 15 and 37 years. That level of continuity is reassuring for our customers who always have a familiar face to see or voice to hear when they contact us.”

XYZ Machine Tools


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