Food and beverageNewsProcess industries

Flexicon develops new bulk bag discharger

A new Flexicon Mobile Bulk Bag Discharger with Mobile Flexible Screw Conveyor has been released to allow for dust-free discharging of bulk solid materials and conveying, to downstream process equipment or storage vessels throughout plants.

Mounted on locking castors, Flexicon’s BULK-OUT BFF Series discharger has four adjustable extension posts to accommodate bulk bags 915 to 2135mm tall. The removable bag-lifting frame with Z-CLIP strap holders allows bulk bags to be attached at ground level, then forklifted into receiving cups on the discharger frame.

A SPOUT-LOCK clamp ring atop a pneumatically-actuated TELE-TUBE telescoping tube secures the clean side of bag spout to the clean side of the equipment, and exerts continuous downward tension on the bag as it empties and elongates, promoting flow and evacuation. A vent port with filter sock contains dust.

Additional flow is afforded by FLOW-FLEXER bag activators that raise and lower opposite bottom sides of the bag at timed intervals into a steep “V” shape, and top-mounted POP-TOP extension devices that elongate the entire bag, promoting total discharge with no manual intervention. The discharge housing of the mobile flexible screw conveyor is supported by a mast affixed to the mobile discharger frame, allowing the transfer of free- and non-free-flowing bulk materials to multiple destinations.

The flexible screw is the only moving part contacting material and is driven by an electric motor beyond the point at which material is discharged, preventing material contact with seals.

The entire unit can be rolled to a cleaning station. A lower clean-out cap on the conveyor tube can be removed to flush the smooth interior surfaces with steam, water or cleaning solutions, or to fully remove the flexible screw for cleaning and inspection.

The system is available in carbon steel with durable industrial coating and stainless steel material contact surfaces (shown), or in all-stainless steel finished to industrial, food, dairy or pharmaceutical standards. Flexicon also manufactures other configurations of bulk bag dischargers and flexible screw conveyors, as well as tubular cable conveyors, pneumatic conveying systems, bulk bag conditioners, bulk bag fillers, bag dump stations, drum/box/container dumpers, drum fillers, weigh batching and blending systems, and engineered plant-wide bulk handling systems with automated controls.

For information contact Flexicon Europe Ltd, +44 (0)1227 374710, email [email protected] or visit:

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