
This one’s for the road – reporting system adapted to testing highways

Software firm CoreRFID is delivering a new tailored reporting system for BHP, which specialises in testing the weight bearing loads of roads.

Based on CoreRFID’s market leading CheckedOK solution, the new system automates the results of on-site California Bearing Ratio tests, which find out the load bearing characteristics of roads and pavements. The CBR test data is collected on site by a tablet, uploaded and transferred to BHP’s SQL database. Reports can be generated in minutes, via a browser, after data collection is complete.

The solution includes an interface tailored to BHP‘s requirements and new calculation and work schedule functionality, which shows when jobs are completed onsite. The integration between data collection and the back-end processes enables speedier invoice generation.

CheckedOK is a market leading reporting system in the UK and Irish lifting and cranes industry. It is also used for asset management by organisations as diverse as Vp Hire Station, East Midlands Ambulance Service and health and safety tech firm Reactec.

BHP, which has a 60-strong team, is a multi-discipline testing centre for engineering and scientific organisations. The Limerick-based firm has over 40 years’ experience in serving industries including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, food, manufacturing and construction as well as government agencies and local authorities

BHP’s field services operations manager Enda Quinlan says: ‘The new solution will give us massive time-saving benefits, while improving the customer experience.’

CoreRFID’s technical director Munzi Ali says: ‘BHP’s requirements were challenging, with the new interface, capabilities and smooth integration of CheckedOK with BHP’s backend system. But the proven versatility and functionality CheckedOK, combined with our team’s innovative approach, has delivered again.

‘This successful delivery of this latest project opens up new possibilities to help improve reporting processes for firms offering testing and monitoring services.’