Doosan Fuel Cell and Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering have signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly develop SOFCs (solid oxide fuel cells) for ships. Doosan will be tasked with designing and producing the SOFCs, and Korea Shipbuilding will deal with the integration of the technology into a range of ships.

Doosan announced at the end of 2020 that it will also work alongside global shipping company Navig8 to introduce fuel cells into the shipping industry. Doosan-built SOFCs will be integrated into a 50,000-ton petrochemical carrier ordered by Navig8. Korean Register and Navig8 will then review the design of the new ship and provide technical support for the duration of the build process.

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Last October, Doosan revealed it was planning a development phase to produce more efficient SOFCs for use in the Korean market. By 2024, the company aims to localize cells and stacks in order to mass produce these systems. The fuel cell manufacturer says that the newly designed SOFCs will be more efficient, have a longer lifespan and be capable of operating at 620°C – around 200°C lower than previously produced units.