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Eurelectric: six technologies to speed up Europe’s grids improvements

Eurelectric: six technologies to speed up Europe’s grids improvements

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Eurelectric has recommended six commercially available technologies that can accelerate the improvement of Europe’s distribution grids to meet the energy transition’s needs.

The six technologies, identified as a follow-up to the organisation’s May 2024 Grids for Speed study evaluating distribution grid needs to 2050, are designed to increase the grid capacity and performance and are among those that utilities have found useful.

In that study, the investment needed in the distribution grids to increase their capacity to deploy renewables, replace ageing infrastructure and integrate advanced management and control technologies was quantified at €67 billion annually in the EU member states and Norway until 2050.

The study also identified three key strategies to help address grid challenges – anticipatory investments, grid-friendly flexibility and asset performance excellence – with technologies playing a key role in driving the uptake of these strategies.

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“When reinforcing our grids, we must do it in a way that keeps system costs in check,” commented Kristian Ruby, Eurelectric’s Secretary General.

“Today we launch new tools to help policymakers control costs while increasing investments.”

Six DSO technologies

The six key technologies – codenamed ‘Grids for speed technologies’ (GFS-Ts) – are as follows.

1. On load tap changer transformers to allow dynamic voltage control, ideal for maintaining a stable voltage despite fluctuating generation from variable renewables combined with fluctuating load.

OLTCs are standard in UHV/HV and HV/MV substations and are becoming more commonly used in MV/LV substations. However, careful planning is required to utilise them as they are more complex to instal, operate and maintain than manual tap changers

2. Line voltage regulators to provide additional voltage stability by increasing the voltage headroom on an LV or MV line.

An LV line voltage regulator can be installed in standard LV cable distribution cabinets, while the MV line voltage regulator is installed in a concrete substation. However, if demand or local generation continues to grow significantly, more substantial grid upgrades or reconfigurations may be necessary, which may result in the line voltage regulator becoming redundant.

3. Dynamic line rating to more fully utilise the potential of lines as compared to the limits of their static line rating.

Congestion management, interconnectors optimisation and renewables integration are obvious use cases, with typically short payback periods. However, while dynamic line rating is typically great at providing additional headroom in an overhead line for wind power, given that wind-induced cooling of the line and high wind generation correlate, it will provide limited additional capacity for solar integration on a sunny calm day.

4. Automatic network reconfiguration to help a network recover efficiently after a fault and to relieve overloading or congestion of distribution network components in real time.

Automatic network reconfiguration approaches enable the efficient detection and isolation of faults, followed by fast adaptation of equipment to avoid or reduce power outages. However, automatic network reconfiguration is only possible in meshed topologies, whereas most LV networks are radial.

5. High temperature low sag (HTLS) conductors to handle higher operating temperatures with minimal sag compared to conventional conductors.

Upgrading existing distribution lines by replacing traditional conductors with HTLS conductors, utilities can significantly boost the capacity of existing lines. They also help prevent outages and maintain power delivery during peak demand periods or adverse conditions.

6. Flexible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS) to enhance the DSO’s ability to control real and reactive power flow across the grid.

A distribution STATCOM can be used to support solar power integration on the distribution system by improving the power factor and voltage stability. Although distribution STATCOMs are commercially available, they are not yet widely deployed across distribution systems.

Eurelectric technology enablers

Eurelectric notes in its report that these technologies are tailored to specific situations and their use will therefore depend on the issue and topology at hand.

To accelerate their deployment, Eurelectric suggests four enablers: a forward-looking approach to regulation that incentivises investments in a neutral way, innovative investment strategies such as anticipatory investments, collaborations among governments, regulators, system operators, market parties and customers, and a skilled workforce capable of implementing and managing these advanced technologies.

Last but not least digitalisation is highlighted as the key pre-requisite for running these technologies, including systems such as SCADA and advanced distribution management systems (ADMS).

To provide these systems with accurate data, it’s crucial to collect information using smart meters, sensors, and other remote control and metering devices. Additionally, a reliable and secure communication network is essential to ensure smooth data flow between devices, substations and control centres.

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